Terms & Conditions
The fact of buying a Norilsk Incident CSPR.MARKET collection NFT, gives you the right to claim the rewards mentioned at the NFT Types section. It does NOT give you ownership over the frame/artwork itself for commercial purposes other than reselling the NFT, or any part or rights of the Norilsk Incident Intellectual Property. You are free to print the artwork in whichever format you like and display it wherever you like, as long as it is not for commercial purposes. Buyers, holders and redeemers agree to fully grant the rights to use their personal image within the context of the Norilsk Incident CSPR.market project without the right to claim any compensation of any kind (except with the Ultimate NFT with the given and explicited limitations), to allow FZ Ideas to depict them in their customized NFTs.
Purchasing an NFT from the Norilsk Incident collection (https://cspr.studio/collections/96) implies automatic acceptance of the terms and conditions described here.
NOTE: Customizations relate to face swaps only, not body complexion or gender swaps (swap a male for a female character or viceversa). Regardless of that, if the redeemer wishes to request a female face on a male body, or viceversa, considering it might not fit the aesthetic of the page, this will be done by our team without any issues as requested. Masked characters can have their masks replaced with faces.
The buyer can:
· Buy the NFT to make use of it.
· Buy it to speculate, being able to resell it, but taking into account that each NFT can be used ONLY ONCE to claim the reward, regardless of who the original owner was; if the reward was already claimed, any subsequent buyer won't be able to claim its right, but just buy it as a collectible.
· Transfer it to another wallet as a gift.
· Burn it, making the reward unclaimable.
The current holder can:
· Claim the reward if it hasn't been claimed and used before, turning into the redeemer.
· Hold, sell, transfer or burn the NFT at discretion if the reward was already claimed.
The reward redeemer commits to:
· Provide the FZ Ideas team with a set of pictures upon request and within the time threshold requested, to keep a fluid production queue; failure to meet this requirement will prioritize the next works in queue and delay the one in question.
· Provide pictures of people who have consented to be portrayed; any claims or legal problems regarding this point will be full responsibility of the redeemer, exonerating FZ Ideas, MAKE and any of its representatives of any responsibility.
· Provide pictures that do not depict violence, pornography, offensive gestures or any kind of unappropiate material; doing so will automatically void the capability to claim the rewards.
· Provide valid physical addresses and phone numbers when required to handle physical shipping deliveries. Requesting a delivery to a country where it's not possible to deliver such goods will be denied.
· Pay for any duties or customs related costs.
FZ Ideas commits to:
· Use the pictures and any other provided data ONLY for depiction and shipping purposes within the context of the project, and DESTROY the provided files afterwards.
· Lead fluent communication with redeemers through the Official Channels only (Telegram, Facebook, Instagram), to request the said necessary info.
· Provide a transparent, frequent update of queue progress, including new NFT productions, as well as physical deliverables progress and trackings.
· Handle the production and shipping costs of any digital deliverables.
· Handle the production and shipping costs of any physical deliverables.
· Mint the waves according to the plan proposed in MINT DATES AND WAVES section.
· Comply with these Terms and Conditions.